School's Back!

August 18, 2024

It's finally that time of year! My favorite time of year, when the end of summer (my least favorite season by far) is in sight, football is around the corner, school is starting up giving the grownups some peace of mind, and cool dry air occasionally makes it presence felt.

To me, fall has never been about the end of summer and all the dying leaves, but instead the harvest period, and cooking, family time and comfort. And what would be more comforting than finding a new job right now? I have some interview requests trickling in now after a month of radio silence. Shout out to Rodney Matambo and Christian Larwood, a couple friends who spent some time reviewing and tweaking my resume with me, and practicing some behavioral questions, hopefully it pays off.

My sourdough journey continues, I made a loaf with sesame seeds that was my best yet. Transferred my starter to the fridge and haven't used it since, so hopefully I haven't killed it (I haven't fed in in 3 days since putting it in there, so we shall see). But I'm continuing to lean on the home meals to both save money and eat a bit healthier, making my own salad dressings, lasagnas, pasta noodles, fried rice, sauces and such. So good.

Aside from all the above, things have been pretty difficult. The mental and emotional toll of these months has been a lot, and I'm sure my daughter is feeling it as well, and I owe her some special time at some point to offset the miserable and depressed dad she's probably seen too much of. I don't do well with uncertainty, and living in an era where employees are routinely jettisoned for a short term stock pump is really frustrating. I'm looking forward to the other side of the rainbow I guess.