Checking In

July 29, 2024

It's been forever since I updated this blog, so here I am. I had a nice vacation back to my hometown in Ohio for the first time in 10 years (before my daughter was born!). It was great to see my family, and my daughter got to spend time with her cousins, and see where I grew up, which was kind of surreal.

Two positions I was really excited about both crapped out after five rounds of interviews. The first one I thought I did a pretty good job in all of the interviews, and was a bit surprised by the abrupt rejection. The second I just completely froze up and flopped an interview, which happens to the best of us, but it was still a bummer. I'm better at the job than I am at interviewing, but I'm working on it. Each rejection is just a bit of practice but it sure is demoralizing, being back at square one after two months of this.

To help pass the time I'm trying to learn the art of sourdough. I'm eight days into making my starter, and I'm not sure if it is dead or correct. I am just going to keep feeding it for another week and see if anything happens. It smells fine (good!) but there aren't very many bubbles. It hasn't been separating out very much either which I think is a good thing? I don't know; I'm honestly just winging it for now 😂