On the Move

June 25, 2024

Been a while since I checked in, but that is a good thing. I have been busy and had several interviews as well as a take home exercise. Had some fun working on that, and wanted to keep tweaking it forever but at some point you just have to bite the bullet, stop yourself and send it in; and of course as soon as you do, you find all sorts of things you forgot to do, or leftover log statements!

A family member reached out to me as well about tossing some ideas around and maybe building something on the side. Sounds like it could be fun, and I'll look into that as well.

Primarily though, my attention is still 100% on the job search and doing the best I can in my interviews. Being confident but honest and neither over-representing myself, nor selling myself short. I am at an interesting point in my career where I am coming out of the entry level phase and into the mid level phase, and I want to make sure I am communicating that properly.

I've been doing a bit more resume tailoring by role, and also will take a look at doing a resume overhaul as well in the near future. The job market is very difficult as it is, and that is compounded by the effects of automation and AI in the job market. Learning to adapt and be flexible is key, and I am working on that as well - learning about how things like LinkedIn applications work, how auto-rejections are generated, and how to stand out from the crowd.

As with any industry, technology brings both positives and negatives. It allows people all over the world to work collaboratively, and remotely. However this comes at a cost of a massive pool of applicants for every open position. It's a double edged sword, and I am working on making sure I am on the right side of it.

PS - I have been slacking off big time on doing physical activity. There aren't enough hours in the day.