Staying Active

June 10, 2024

I've been trying to stay active lately. I met a friend and played some pickleball (yes, I'm slowly becoming a part of the cult), hit the local chess club up for some games tonight - 3 wins and a draw. Taking these little breaks away from the neverending stream of work has been refreshing.

I've been working on a new project that I'm excited about. Can't give the details just yet, but a few friends and I are working on an MVP that we think could be a game changer. I'll keep you posted.

As for the job search itself, I'm continuing the grind. I don't have much of a network, and have mostly tapped out that resource at the moment, and have resorted to the job boards. I've been applying to around 20-25 positions per day, and haven't had any luck yet. I'm not discouraged, though. I know that the right opportunity is out there, and I'm going to find it. Please reach out via the contact form if you have a good opportunity for me.

I've been in worse situations than this before, and I've always come out on top. I'm confident that I will find a great role soon. It has been really valuable having a community of friends going through this together. We've been able to share tips and tricks, and keep each other motivated. It is very important to have a support system in times like these.

I leave you with a chess puzzle this time. Below is my favorite chess move of all time - the famous "Gold Coin" game by Frank Marshall. Can you find it? What is yours?

frank marshalls famous gold coin chess mvoe
Black to move